I've put on a whopping 3 kgs over the last 1 week!!!!!!! 3 kgs! I cant believe it myself.....the weighing scale just went 3 gaps fr my previous weight.....
No! of cos I'm not gonna reveal my weight here...No way! yes....I'm being very very vain..I'm entitled to.....esp when I'm pregnant now!I know many of you will just say things like
"it's normal. u r pregnant!"I know I know....but I just cant accept the fact that it's only my 1st trimester and I've already pile up 3kgs....imagine......7 more months to go! how much weight would I put on by the time I deliver? I better not put thoughts into my head..though I hav to admit that I really do feel heavier nowadays.....

As vain as I've always been.....seeing the weighing scale tipping further and further each time I step onto it just wont make me feel good at all.....though I tried consoling myself that "it's ok...I'm pregnant..I ought to gain weight and all......but definitely not this soon?????
I even resorted to talking to my weighing scale going "U gotta be kidding me...more?"
Looks like I'm gonna be much bigger in this pregnancy as compared to my 1st one when I was considered underweight for my size!
Wish me luck!