It's all planned by Him. We are in no position at all to determine:-
1. when we want it
2. how we want it to look like
3. what gender it's gonna be
4. who it's gonna look like, etc etc

Well, Sept 13, 2007 is gonna be another remarkable date for me as it is the day I unexpectedly found out that I'm in my 6th week of carrying another life inside me. After 3 home-pregnancy tests and a confirmed ultrasound scan by my gynae............
Yes! I'm PREGGY!
It was all unexpected for it's a lil too early in my plan to have Baby No.2. It was that only ONE time...ONE particular time when we thought we would not strike the jackpot...and it has to happen THAT time. My failed calculation obviously....hubby said it's even easier to get a baby than to strike a 4D or jackpot!
Now, everything that I planned for before I thought I could be prepared for the conception of Precious #2 has to be put on hold, especially:-
1. Our much detailed planned vacation to Auckland in Oct - CANCELED
2. My laser eye treatment scheduled to be done next Friday (Sept 21) - POSTPONED
The TWO biggest plans that we had prepared prior to getting ourselves ready for pregnancy #2.
The plan was supposed to work this way:-
1. Going on another trip abroad this year knowing that we will not be able to travel far next year with Baby #2's existence. Well, I guess it's a message from the big one up there as well as Baby #2 telling us .....
"No, no, no, no, no, no, are not to go on another holiday without Precious #2. Hold on your plan until you welcome him/her and you shall go holiday in a happy family of 4!"
"No way mommy, daddy and kor kor are going on a holiday without me! I want to go along. Make sure you cancel your trip and wait for my arrival to go with you all!"
Now Now Now....dont get me wrong. I'm happy to know that I'm finally preggy for the 2nd time. Guess I'll need some more time to adjust to this slightly-earlier-than-expected new discovery and the fact that I'll eventually get bigger and bigger by days/months.....
Precious #2 will greet us sometime around 9th May 2008.
As I was going through my thoughts last hit me real hard on the coincidents that I've analysed in my mind....
Coincident #1 - My LMP for my 1st pregnancy happened to be 1st July 2004 and Zach came out on his EDD which is 8th Apr 2005....and now my LMP for my 2nd pregnancy happens to be 2nd Aug 2007 and Precious #2 will be out some time around 9th May 2008...see the coincidence?
Coincident #2 - I was born in May and my sister in June. Our birthdays are a month apart. My kids r gonna have the same coincidence! Not a big thing to coincide with...but's a thought!
Coincident #3 - He/she is gonna be a Taurus! Just like Mommy.......
Well....guess it's time again for me to get prepared for the pregnancy jargons/sensations:-
morning/night sickness
expanding belly
visible stretched marks
kicking lil thing in me
gradual hunger
cravings, etc
That's my baby at 6th week of life, measuring only 1.57cm (the size of a poppy-seed)With God's grace and mercy, I pray for a smooth pregnancy and Precious #2 will be healthy, normal and born to be a happy baby just like kor kor!