After a much 7-days worrifying wait, we finally managed to see our baby's heartbeat last night! - in his/her 7th week of life inside my belly. The wait was excruciating as it is a vital part of early pregnancy to be able to detect the foetal heartbeat. I've heard too much sad stories about how the baby's heartbeat was undetectable which led to unexpected and unanticipated decision and consequences. Hence my apprehensive move in announcing my pregnancy verbally to those I know.
Precious #2's heartbeat was beating real fast that we were all laughing with joy seeing the moving tiny lil dot on the screen. Even Dr Delaila was relieved upon detecting Precious #2's fast-moving heartbeat for she was also in fear last week when she couldnt detect any movement on the tiny lil dot we saw on the screen. All's well so far and we are more comfortable now in announcing the existence of Precious #2 to our friends and family.
Even Zach was excited upon seeing 'Mommy's baby' on the black screen!

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